Wednesday, December 19, 2007

2008 LiveStrong Challenge Dates Announced

Today the Lance Armstrong Foundation announced the locations and dates for the 2008 LIVESTRONG Challenge!
  • Portland, OR - June 29
  • Bay Area, CA - July 13
  • Philadelphia, PA - August 24
  • Austin, TX - October 25-26

Let the training begin. :)
I weighed myself this morning and was rather disappointed with the result. 217 lbs. So now I have 2 goals for August. First to complete the 100 mile ride in Philly. Second to show up for the ride weighing 190 or less. Losing 27 lbs isn't going to be easy but if I pull if off it will make the 100 mile ride that much easier. I guess I will start working on number 2 after the holidays. There's no way I would be able to control myself on Christmas.

Tonight I went to Kung Fu class. Well 2 classes. The first is a weapons class. I am currently working on a staff form. The second is Tai Chi. I love Tai Chi and feel so much better after a class. I try to make 3 -5 classes a week but for the past 3 weeks I have not gone. Just been feeling lazy since the cold weather set in. So Monday I said enough being lazy and went to class. Boy do you feel it when you take 3 weeks off, I was out of breath pretty quickly. The price you pay for laziness. I won't be taking any more weeks off for a while.

More to come.....

Monday, December 3, 2007

A little bit more about me...

Testicular Cancer Discovery 1988
I was 16 years old when I realized that one of my testicles had become enlarged. Being sexually active I assumed that maybe it was an STD and kept quiet about it. I let a few weeks go by before I confided in my older brother. Dropping your draws to show your brother your testicles is not something many people do willingly and I was quite embarrassed by it. Little did I know at that time that showing off my "package" would become a daily event. My brother had no idea what he was looking at but he knew having one testicle twice the size of the other could not be good. He said if I didn't tell my grandmother (I was living with my grandmother at this time) he would. So the next day I told my grandmother that I needed to see a doctor because something was wrong "down there". I went to my family doctor who after seeing me referred me to a doctor at Long Island Jewish Medical Center in NY. At this time I began to worry that what I had was something of importance. When I met with the doctors at LIJ they began a number of tests. Blood test and ultrasound were among the tests done that day. I left the hospital with little understanding of what was going on and how severe my situation was. Upon my arrival at home the phone rang and it was a doctor from LIJ. It couldn't have been more then 40 minutes since I had left the hospital. The doctor told me to gather a few things, change of cloths, etc. and return to the hospital I would have surgery early the next morning. To make matters worse they would be removing one of my testicles. Well I'm not sure if I have the words to express the emotions that came over me. I remember being scared to death, not that I was going to die or anything but scared of the uncertainty that lie ahead. I was 16 years old; I had no idea what all of this really meant. The word surgery was scary in itself. I'll never forget hanging up the phone and talking to my grandmother about what the doctor said. My little brother who heard the whole conversation asked me if I was scared. Well that is when I lost it. I was scared and was unable to contain my feelings any longer. I bust into tears and ran to my room where I cried for a short while. I later did as the doctor said and gathered a few things and returned to hospital.

It’s funny how life's events shape a person. Over the course of the next 2 years I had surgery 7 times, chemotherapy, high dose chemotherapy, a bone marrow transplant and a bunch of other procedures. During this time I learned how to separate my thoughts, how to turn my mind off so I could sleep and to keep my outward appearance as such that the people around me would not know the pain I was feeling. When family would visit I would always reassure them that I was doing great and felt no pain even when I was dying inside. I just couldn't stand to see anyone get upset when they would see me. This reluctance to show emotion is still with me to this day. Only recently have I been able to cry. For at least a period of 15 years I would not shed a tear. This clearly was a result of always feeling that I needed to be strong for the ones around me.

I’m not sure what kept me going through those years. I guess being 16 when I was first diagnosed helped. I thought I was invincible and never once thought that dying was an option. It simply never occurred to me that it was possible to die. As they say ignorance is bless. I remember after I relapsed my doctor came to me to discuss my options. She told me going forward there was a 50/50 chance of me making it. Again I never gave the negative 50% any thought. It wasn’t until a friend of mine died that I realized it was possible. That is a moment I will never forget.

I was 17 when I left the bone morrow transplant room and continued my recovery. 18 years have gone by and I have no regrets or anger, never did. For me many things were lost and many things gained from my experience. I lost any chance of becoming a Marine when I was diagnosed, my childhood dream. On the other hand I would have never met my wife and had our beautiful daughter if I didn’t drop out my senior year and return the following year after my treatments. If all things happen for a reason I would like to think she was the reason. Three years of cancer and treatments for a lifetime of happiness.

Friday, November 9, 2007

A little bit about me

I was diagnosed with stage II testicular cancer in 1988 at the age of 16. After a left orchiectomy and 3 rounds of chemo I relapsed the following year. This time my treatment would be for more aggressive and I had to drop out of high school my senior year. I underwent a retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (RPLND), 3 rounds of high dose chemo and a bone marrow transplant. After all of the fun was over I returned to high school one year later and graduated.

Fast forward 18 years and here I am. Still going strong. Who says you can't lead a normal life after cancer? I am living proof that you can. For the most part life has been as normal as anyone else's. I'm married to a wonderful woman I met in high school the year I returned after my treatment. We have a beautiful daughter together that we conceived naturally. Life is good.

So now I am at a point in my life where I want to help other cancer patients and survivors. I came across a great site a few months back that really opened my eyes to the difference caring individuals can make. This site is filled with tons of important information regarding testicular cancer but more importantly the support found here is simply amazing. Truly one of the best groups of caring people I have come across. This site is where I first learned about the LiveStrong Challenge and the Lance Armstrong Foundation. I took part in the Philly Challenge 2007 and was blown away by the number of people affected by cancer. Even more so was I amazed by their willingness to help others and raise cancer awareness. I took part in the 5k walk/run and that is where I decided that not only would I ride in the following years event I would do the 100 mile course. Yes I know in the back of my mind that I may have bitten off more then I can chew but I survived cancer and I'm sure I can survive a 100 miles on a bike. Not long after returning from Philly I went out and purchased a road bike. Nothing special, an entry level bike. But I enjoy riding it. After about 4 weeks of training I completed my first organized ride. A hilly 33 mile ride in PA called the Covered Bridges Ride. Great event by the way and I will be returning to do the 63 mile course next year. For now I will continue to train for the liveStrong challenge and I will be riding for those that can't.

To Be Continued..

Thursday, November 8, 2007

First Entry

I decided to create a blog today and hope that it will offer hope and encouragement to other cancer survivors.